Health-Trends publishes the Swiss Digital Health Startup Map which maps Swiss-based digital health startups. We’re also the publisher of the Swiss Digital Health Investor Map, which shows venture capital organizations with an investment focus on digital health.
Health-Trends regularly highlights the Swiss startup environment and includes new digital health startups on the Swiss Digital Health Startup Map. The map provides a comprehensive overview of the Swiss digital health startup environment. The map and respective report are updated semi-annually (click on the map for a higher resolution) and are available for free.
Are you part of a Swiss digital health startup that is still missing on our map? Or would you like to provide an update? Register your Swiss-based startup via our online survey (note: Google Account needed). We will review your information and will place your company logo on our next semi-annual map update.
All national and international investor organizations that have invested in at least one of the digital health startups on the Swiss Digital Health Startup Map were considered for the Swiss Digital Health Investor Map. We have classified these investors on the basis of publicly available information. The map and respective report are updated once a year (click on the map for a higher resolution). The report can be purchased here.
Is your Swiss-based or international investor organization still missing on our map? Or would you like to provide an update? You can report it directly to us via our online survey (note: Google Account needed). We will review your information and place your logo on our next updated map.